Yoga Bloom Wellness

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Thanksgiving Prayer

This Thanksgiving, for many of us we will not be having our normal gatherings in physical form. As we prepare and gather in the ways that we can, here is my prayer for all of you...

May we feel each other’s love through connecting with Mother Earth (maybe going outside and standing barefoot on her beautiful soil). May we find our way through the lessons of life through our breath (maybe taking a deep breath and asking for guidance the next time we feel lost). May we flow with life, like water (maybe allowing ourselves to be changing and letting go of who we are not, so that we can remain authentic and true to who we truly are.) 

Let us take time this holiday season to find the ways to love each other amidst the great polarity we are are experiencing. As challenging as it is, this polarization is a perfect opportunity to transcend our differences, and come back once again to our collective humanity. 

With love this season,



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Covid Policy

Yoga Bloom Wellness takes your health and safety seriously. With that in mind, our accommodations are professionally cleaned and there is a 24 hour interim period between clients. The majority of our activities are outside and we are only serving solo individuals or members of the same household. To limit your exposure to others, we are operating with a limited staff.